Folk remedies for increasing potency in men are in high demand. Increasing potency with folk remedies explains its popularity by the fact that they are readily available and have practically no side effects. Plus, folk recipes for increasing potency are distinguished by financial benefits, since for most of them, if you have to pay, then very little. So how to increase the potency of a man and how can traditional medicine help in this matter?
The simplest methods and means
Folk remedies for improving potency are good because there is absolutely nothing difficult in finding or preparing them. Therefore, the restoration of potency with folk remedies is so popular.

Despite the popularity of traditional methods in the treatment of potency, be sure to consult a doctor!
We propose to study some remedies for potency, which perfectly stimulate the increase of sexual function. At the same time, they do not require serious efforts.
- Hop.When restoring sexual function in men, folk remedies are often advised to increase strength using hops. Plant cones are crushed and filled with 200 ml of water. Boil the folk remedy for 10 minutes, strain and cool the product. For a quick action, you need to drink 100 ml of such a decoction 2 or 3 times a day;
- Honey with nuts.Excellent, affordable means for potency, which almost everyone has in the house. Before having sexual intercourse, you should mix walnuts and honey, observing equal proportions. In order to increase potency, you should take it as a habit to use such a tasty medicine every day, 2 small spoons. Do this after meals and drink it with milk. Up to 3 receptions are allowed per day. You get not only an improvement in potency, but also normalize metabolism, replenish the body with missing microelements. Plus, with potency, folk remedies from honey and nuts are considered the most delicious;
- Cilantro with parsley.If you want to increase potency with folk remedies, use this herb. Dried leaves should be crushed, then pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Or you can eat natural herbs in a tablespoon along with a regular meal;
- Parsnip.You will need the root from which the natural seasoning is made. If you add it to fish or meat, it will have a great effect on potency;
- Garlic medicine.How to restore potency with folk remedies using garlic? You can just eat it regularly, but not everyone will like it. In order for male potency to return, make an infusion of garlic. Peel 1 kg of garlic, chop finely and add to a 3 liter jar. Pour boiling water almost to the brim and place in a warm place. These are proven enhancing agents. But it will take not three days to heal, but longer, since the remedy is infused for 30 days. Then, to increase male strength, you should drink a small spoon once a day. Shake the container every day, which enhances the effect of the medicine;
- Ginger.If you want to improve potency with folk remedies, use ginger. Strengthening potency occurs very effectively if you combine the intake of dry ginger and honey in equal proportions. How to improve potency with this method? Just eat half a small spoonful of the mixture three times a day and remember to drink it with water. For 3 days you will feel a surge of energy;
- Ginseng.Often, the most effective ways to increase male strength are based on the use of ginseng. This plant is part of many drugs to restore potency, which are sold in the pharmacy. Ginseng knows how to restore your strength as it stimulates testosterone production. With a loss of potency, treatment with folk remedies using ginseng involves the use of the root. It needs to be crushed and poured with high-quality vodka. The proportions should be observed 1 to 20. Pour the product into a dark container and leave for 2 weeks. Before meals, you need to drink 20 drops of tincture three times during the day;
- Carrots as a remedy for potency.To enhance male strength when signs of fatigue or dysfunction appear, carrots are helpful. In order to enhance male erection, drink the natural juice of this root vegetable. Its active substances increase potency and are able to restore previous abilities in bed. In addition to the fact that the juice eliminates the symptoms, the product also has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.
Proper nutrition
In order to increase potency with folk remedies, a man's diet will play an important role.
Several product groups have an enhancing effect. Therefore, if you want to increase potency in men, be sure to pay attention to what you eat.
For men, folk remedies from the food category can be considered:
- seafood;
- tomatoes;
- eggs.
However, to increase male potency, you need to correctly use them and understand what will really help and what will only bring gastronomic pleasure.
If we talk about seafood, then the most useful for the potency of men are oysters, mussels and rapanas. These are proven folk methods that stimulate increased sexual activity. To increase the potency, we advise you to make a sauce based on parsley and celery with these seafood. This significantly catalyzes the effectiveness of folk remedies for increasing potency in men, plus it will add original notes to the dish.
As for eggs, they will have a positive effect on an erection in almost any form. Chicken and quail eggs, which are best used in the form of an omelet with the addition of onions, are great help. The remedy does not work quickly, but it is safe and tasty.
Tomatoes, according to traditional healers, stimulate an increase in the activity of the sex gland. Therefore, this entails the normalization of sexual function. Moreover, as practice has shown, the best result is achieved by using thermally processed tomatoes, rather than fresh ones.
Helpful hints

Remember that the recovery process is not a one-day business, be patient!
It is worth noting that the treatment of potency with folk remedies may not give a result if the problem lies in serious disorders or diseases. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on these recipes.
Yes, folk remedies will definitely increase attraction and allow you to satisfy your partners. But only a comprehensive examination and professional treatment will allow you to find the true cause that led to sexual dysfunction.
Most likely, the essence of the problem lies in the body, the systems and organs of which do not work properly. This negatively affects the general condition, affecting, including the genitals of men. The forum can provide a lot of advice, prescriptions and pharmaceuticals. But all of them can only be used if you know why you needed help.
Often, the causes of violations in men are hidden behind bad habits. So there are several ways to restore or prevent the loss of strength.
- Stop smoking.The advice is banal, but in fact very useful. Smoking greatly affects potency, because it is smokers who are the most frequent patients with similar complaints and more often than others buy drugs for erection;
- Avoid or minimize alcohol.Alcohol, like tobacco, interferes with sexual function. Moreover, chronic alcoholics often suffer from impotence, which is extremely difficult to recover;
- Cold and hot shower.A simple but effective way to solve the problem of the reproductive system. This stimulates the acceleration of blood, increases activity. Moreover, it is recommended to carry out such procedures in the morning and in the evening, and finish the shower with cold water;
- Be in nature more often.Confined spaces, urban smog and exhaust fumes poison the body, having as much negative impact as cigarettes. It is also very helpful to walk barefoot by stimulating the nerves in your feet. A pleasant and useful folk remedy.
With the help of folk remedies, you can achieve excellent results and restore male strength. However, if you have serious disorders, then be sure to contact a specialist to find and eliminate the causes of dysfunction.